
Aims & Objectives

The Islamic Information Centre Bristol is a charitable education trust established to help fulfil the religious educational needs of the local community.

It aims to be an integral part of the community in acting as a source of Islamic knowledge from which all ages can benefit. Many of the books that we have available in the library are classical texts which cover topics such as Tasfeer, Aqidah, Fiqh, Tabaaqat (histories), Hadith studies and much more besides.

Another objective is to ensure that a correct perception of our religion is articulated and conveyed to non-Muslims in the surrounding areas.

Membership to the Centre is open to everyone from any race, culture or religion. Membership will allow access to a wide variety of resources. For more information about membership and its benefits, please contact the centre.

What we offer to the community

  • Library – This contains books, videos and audio cassettes (available in Arabic, English and Urdu) which may be loaned on request.
  • Islamic Propogation Material – Resources are available to assist in conveying the message of Islam to others. Non-Muslims are especially welcome to use our material. The Islamic Information Centre is suitable for all occasions.
  • Educational Classes – Islamic classes (including Arabic) are available for all ages.
  • School Visits – Liaisons with schools to help provide relevant resources for religious educational topics on Islam.
  • Advice – Providing advice on issues of Islamic Law.
  • Assistance – Providing help on Islamic Madrassas/schools.
  • Prison Visits – To carry out propogation of Islam and assist Muslims in prisons.